Your Checklist After Deliverance:
Purpose of this page is to help and guide you how best to stay free.
This Checklist is recommended to be used for candidates that have already done a Deliverance session through this ministry for a couple of reasons but also we strife that the candidate be delivered of ALL its demons and that none is left behind.
Matthew 12:43-45 states that you need to take your aftercare very serious otherwise you can be worst off !!! You are clean and set free after your deliverance, but it is your responsibility to stay free; This ministry is absolutely 100% there to help and support you on your journey after your Deliverance, but provided that you do your part too.
How to keep demons Out After Your Deliverance !
James 4:7 (NIV) “Submit yourselves, then to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
1) – Keep the Doors closed: (…click to show more…)
- Do not reopen the doors the demons came through originally, change your ways.
- Demons were there in the first place because you opened a door to them.
- Demons will normally first test you with your old temptations instead of new ones.
- Stop speaking negative things or death over your life including Doubt, Fear and Unbelief etc…; demons listen to what you say and they capitalize on it.
- Make sure you do not have any Idols in your house that can attract demons or already have demons attached to it. (make sure your house is cleansed)
- 1 Corinthians 10:13 “…God will always provide a way out for you, you will never be tempted more than you can handle…”
2) – Speak God’s Word over your life (…click to show more…)
- Learn to speak Scripture throughout your life.
- It is very powerful and important to verbally Declare and Decree the promises of God.
- Proverbs 18:21 (NIV) “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit”
3) – Stay in Scripture (…click to show more…)
- Develop a daily relationship with the Bible, if not you WILL struggle to stay free from demonization. Demons prey on Christians who don’t know the Bible!
- When you respond to a demon (when under attack) with “It is Written,” you have to actually know what is written.
4) – Take up your cross daily and follow Jesus (…click to show more…)
- “Deny yourself“, Jesus says it’s not about you – deny you !
- Jesus says, “Follow me“; He does not follow us.
- How can a demon find an open door if you’re following Christ daily?
5) – Get involved in a local church (or online if you can) (…click to show more…)
- If you are not able to physically get to a church then get involved online with a church and those involved in that church too.
- When a wolf(demon) attacks, its primary target is the sheep who is alone and isolated.
- There is Power in Numbers / Power in Unity.
- Are you hanging around people who bring you down or pick you up?
- Good Pastors and Leaders will help train and equip you to fight the good fight.
- Boredom is the devil’s playground. Many times when people have reopened the door to the enemy, it usually started with them being bored.
6) – Develop a Prayer life (…click to show more…)
- a Demon doesn’t want to live with someone who is constantly praying.
- The more you pray, the harder it is to sin, and the more you sin, the harder it is to pray. After all, the more you spend time with God in prayer, the more you will become like Him.
- The more things you have in common with Jesus, the less you will have in common with darkness.
- Begin to develop a prayer life where you frequently pray in His name, and you WILL see immediate results. This is a promise from God’s Word!
If you make a practice of doing all six things outlined above, you will be able to keep demons from re-entering once and for all.
Checklist for Night time (before going to bed):
1) – Repent of your sins (…click to show more…)
- 1 – Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what to Repent for and wait on Him….
- 2 – Lord I am Sorry of …..<whatever Holy Spirit showed you>….
- 3 – Lord I Renounce …..<what you just said sorry for in previous step>…..
- 4 – Lord I ask You to Forgive me of this sin of …..<the one you just renounced>….. just as You promised me in (1 John 1:9) “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”
- 5 – Repeat steps 2, 3, 4 (Sorry, Renounce, Forgive) until nothing comes up
- 6 – Lord I am Sorry of all my sins and unrighteousness including those sins I did and never knew they were wrong.
- 7 – Lord I Renounce all my sins and unrighteousness including those sins I did and never knew they were wrong.
- 8 – Lord I ask You to Forgive me of all my sins and unrighteousness just as You promised me in (1 John 1:9) “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”
- 9 – Lord I Forgive myself.
- 10 – Lord, I receive and apply your great forgiveness now to my life
- 11 – Thank You Lord, Amen
2) – Speak Protection ! (…click to show more…)
- In the name of Jesus I Declare and I Decree 2 Corinthians 1:20 over me; for it is Written; “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us”.
- In the name of Jesus I Declare and I Decree Psalm 91:10-11 over me; for it is Written; “No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways”… Lord I ask of you in the name of Jesus to put your angels of War and Ministering angels tonight around this house, in this house, in my bedroom, around my bed, around my family; to protect us and minister to us. Lord I ask of You in the name of Jesus to let Your Angels destroy tonight each and every demon power, night spirit, witch, warlock, wizard, sorcerer or astral projecting spirit that will try and come near me, this house or my family.
- In the name of Jesus I Declare and I Decree Zechariah 2:5 over me; for it is Written; “For I, says the Lord, will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst”…… I Decree the Lord will be a wall of fire around me, around my bed tonight, around this house, around my mind, my thoughts, my imaginations, in my sleep, around my family, around my finances…
- In the name of Jesus I Declare and I Decree Psalm 118:6 over me; for it is Written; “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear”.
- In the name of Jesus I Declare and I Decree Psalm 118:17 over me; for it is Written; “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord”.
- In the name of Jesus I Declare and I Decree 1 Corinthians 6:19 over me; for it is Written; My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and only of the Holy Spirit; no other spirit has any right over and in this body!
3) – Stand Firm ! (…click to show more…)
- In the name of Jesus I Declare and I Decree Matthew 18:18 over me; for it is Written; “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you Bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you Loose on earth will be loosed in heaven”.
- In the name of Jesus I Declare and I Decree Luke 10:19 over me; for it is Written; “Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over ALL the Power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you”.
- In the name of Jesus I Bind every demon power and all night spirits tonight around this house, in this house, in this room, around me or trying to hinder or torment me; and I Loose the Fire and Thunder of God over all of you demon powers and night spirits and I command you in the name of Jesus to Go Now! Get Out! The Lord Rebuke you all.
- In the name of Jesus I Bind every witch, warlock, wizard, sorcerer or astral projecting spirit tonight that will try to hinder or torment me; and I command you to Loose me in the Authority of the name of Jesus Christ; Go!
- Father, in the name of Jesus I ask of You to release angels, and let them go down to all evil places and break, dismantle and destroy everything that has me bound and keeping me from my purpose and destiny You created for me.
- Holy Spirit, release Your Power over me.
- Holy Spirit, fill every room in my body with everything of You, as this body is Your temple, and only Your temple.
- Jesus cover me in Your blood, from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.
- Jesus, fill me with Your Anointing.
- Jesus, fill me with Your Blessings.
- Thank You Lord in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Under demonic Attack Right Now ! (How to Fight, be Bold):
1) – Fight back, Now! (…click to show more…)
- In the name of Jesus I Declare and I Decree Matthew 18:18 over me Now!; for it is Written; “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you Bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you Loose on earth will be loosed in heaven”.
- In the name of Jesus I Declare and I Decree Luke 10:19 over me Now!; for it is Written; “Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over ALL the Power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you”.
- In the name of Jesus right now I Bind every demon power in anyway trying to attack me now!
- In the name of Jesus I Loose the Fire and Thunder of God over all of you demon powers attacking me right now!
- In the name of Jesus I Loose the Judgement of God over all of you demon powers!
- In the name of Jesus I Loose Destruction, Confusion, Blindness and Muteness over all of you now!
- In the name of Jesus I Command you demon powers to attack each other including your superiors that gave you your assignment to attack me, Go, do it Now!
- The Lord Rebuke you all!
- In the name of Jesus I Command you demon powers and evil forces to Loose me Now! … Go!..Go!…
- Father, in the name of Jesus I ask of You to release Your angels now, and attack and destroy every demon power and evil force that is attacking me right now!
- In the name of Jesus I Declare and I Decree Zechariah 2:5 over me Now!; for it is Written; “For I, says the Lord, will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst”…… In the name of Jesus I Decree the Lord will be a wall of fire around me NOW! No evil can touch me or come near me!
- Jesus cover me in Your blood, from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.
- Complete Release, in the name of Jesus.
- Thank You Lord in the name of Jesus, Amen.