Your Checklist to Prepare for your Deliverance Session
Purpose of this page is to help and guide you to prepare for your Scheduled Deliverance session.
Preparation from your side is very important as this will determine whether the session will be successful or not.
Prior to meeting for prayer for healing and deliverance there are some things you may need to know.
- We are not counselors and don’t offer any counseling services
- Deliverance is probably not what you have heard that it is. It is not like the movies. It is likely not what you have known in religious circles. It is not like Hollywood: it is like the Holy Word! It is for believers!
- Deliverance is not to be afraid of and is totally non-threatening to the individual. It is simply inner healing by removal of the cause of the problem. Acts 10:38 says that Jesus went about doing good and healing all those who were oppressed of the devil.
- Deliverance is breaking the oppressing power of the enemy!
The most common misconceptions I encounter are:
- That only evil people have demons. Nothing could be further from the truth! If you are alive…you are a candidate.
- That people want to think “demon possession”.
- It is NOT possession. Possession implies ownership.
- We are owned by the Lord Jesus! We are purchased, redeemed, bought with a price.
- We are possessed by the Holy Spirit of God who lives in our Spirit.
Oppression takes place in the soul and in the flesh. The soul is the area of torment … mind, will, emotions and that is where the demons do their misdeeds. This is the warfare that Paul so often talks about. David in Psalms 116 describes oppression and deliverance perfectly. David said, “the pains of hell got hold on me…I found trouble and sorrow…He loosed my bonds.”
Demons must have legal rights to one’s life. They cannot just intrude at will. It always involves legal consent from either the individual or from God. Generational curse, of course, does not involve our will, but does grant permission to evil spirits through the sins of the father (mother) for three to four generations. Meaning ANYONE born could be born with a spirit that has legal right according to Exodus 20:5. This is the most common entry way for demon spirits and to think it could not happen to you is evidence of the power of their deception.
Demons, evil spirits, unclean spirits, devils, spirits of infirmity, principalities, power etc. Must have PERMISSION to be in someone’s life. Just as the Holy Spirit honors our will, demons must also and cannot intrude without some kind of consent. (Consent can be as simple as being in the presence of a Ouija Board, a childhood abuse or trauma, period of anger or unforgiveness etc). If you have not already done so, in filling out the questionnaire, ask the Holy Spirit to bring to your remembrance, anything that may have given access to demon powers. Once consent is granted the demon takes up residence in the soul or flesh and begins to build a “kingdom” bent on destruction.
Jesus described the works of Satan as “rob, kill, steal, destroy”. I have yet to locate a demon power with any other function. Now, the oppression begins because the demon has been granted permission to be there. It is not uncommon for the person seeking deliverance to experience manifestations of the evil ones prior to the session.
For example:
- They may become extremely nervous (the demons) because they know their time is short.
- They will attempt to frighten through nightmares or manifesting as an evil presence.
- They may confuse or disorient the individual…make threats through very negative and frightful thoughts.
- They may attack the individuals mind making them think they must be crazy if they really think demons are the problem.
- They may “tell” the individual that the deliverance minister is a “jerk”, that he doesn’t know what he is doing and that this will not work, etc.
All of these things are common. It is an attempt to keep you from freedom.
- Cannot take place against someone’s will and can even involve more than just their willingness to be free.
- Requires a genuine desire to be free. The fact that you are reading this and filling out the information sheet you qualify for deliverance
The deliverance process is not a ritual, and it will be permissible for the candidate to ask questions or pause for a restroom break or a drink or water. The deliverance setting is casual, yet it is Holy. We will depend upon the Holy Presence of God’s Spirit to lead us and guide us in the truth encounter…it is not a power encounter!
Demon Spirits
- Are very organized and are hierarchy oriented.
- Are structured and you might view their kingdom as having a CEO with vice-presidents, managers, supervisors, and workers. Or maybe a better description would be a military pecking order. There will be a “boss” who runs everything.
- Like to be called “princes”. The Prince may have several princes under him who all have varied functions intent on the believers’ demise and destruction. Some of the demons are assigned various duties. But everyone will bow at the Name of Jesus Christ. You need not fear.
- Demons are all liars but: They will submit to the truth of the Word of God and the Powerful Name of Jesus Christ.
- Demons must be obedient to the commands of the Lord Jesus. They know they are defeated and know they must be obedient.
- They will leave when they are commanded to leave!
It is important to know that deliverance is not a “cure all” nor is it a “quick cure”. It still requires that a person live in obedience to the Lord Jesus. But genuine freedom will come, it will then be your responsibility to walk in it. I’m enclosing some prayers for you to pray prior to coming.
Unforgiveness: (…click to show more…)
- There is something you can do to help bring about your freedom. I recommend that you deal with these issues before coming for deliverance. In order for the deliverance to be successful. There can be NO unforgiveness in your life. Unforgiveness is legal permission for demons to torment believers (Matthew 18:23-35). Do not neglect the area of forgiveness for yourself. You must also forgive yourself in order to be free. A typical prayer might be as follows:
- “Father, because You have forgiven me, I choose to forgive others, everyone who has hurt me, lied to me or disappointed me, I forgive. I confess unforgiveness as sin and repent of it. I receive Your forgiveness and apply it to my life by forgiving myself. Thank You for Your grace and mercy in Jesus Name. Amen”
Satanic activities: (…click to show more…)
- If there was ever any involvement (however innocent), in Satanic activities, witchcraft, cults or occult activities, watching videos (online challenge to see how long you can watch) they must be renounced. Typical prayer:
- “Father, I renounce any bond, or agreement I ever made with Satan and the kingdom of darkness. I know there can be no valid contract with a liar, and I renounce any words, oaths or pledges made to Satan and I choose to be totally free from them. I choose to be cleansed from any ties with Satan in Jesus Name. Amen”
Permission Breaking Prayer: (…click to show more…)
- This prayer is also used in the Deliverance session, but it is important that you pray this before the time too. It breaks all permissions that the enemy have over your life. This is a very powerful prayer.
- “Father, I thank You for Jesus, He is my savior, and I am so glad to be born again. I am washed in the blood of Jesus. I am a child of God, and I qualify for freedom. By faith I receive my freedom today. Father, because You have forgiven me, I choose to forgive others. Everyone who has heart me, lied to me or disappointed me I forgive. I forgive myself. I receive and apply Your great forgiveness to my life. I repent of Anger, Bitterness, Hateret, Rebellion, Resentment, Revenge, Envy, Jealousy, Strife, ….. and all the works of the flesh I put under the blood of Jesus, and by doing so I break satan’s power in my life. I denounce the sins of my ancestors. I separate and cut myself off from all generational curses. I renounce all unholy vows, oaths, pledges and ceremonies, and choose to be free from all those curses. I denounce and confess as sin all unholy soulties. For Jesus is my Savior and Lord, my Healer and my Deliverer. I choose to be free, and I will be free in Jesus name, Amen.“
Sexual relationships outside of marriage: (…click to show more…)
- These are called “Soul Ties”, and each one could be an entry point for demon spirits. The ties must be broken by confessing them as sin and choosing to be free from them. The deliverance process involves canceling permission of evil spirits to be in our life. It would be best if you could denounce each one (you’ve slept with) by name, in prayer. Do the best you can with (recalling each person). This prayer and renunciation will cancel consent that was granted through soul ties. The prayer can be something like this:
- “Father, I confess the sin of sexual relations outside of marriage. I renounce that sinful activity in Jesus’ Name. I call back that part of me that was given to another, and I refuse that part of another that may have come to me. I denounce soul ties with <….> and choose to be free in Jesus Christ’ Name. Amen”
False Religions: (…click to show more…)
- False religions must also be confessed and renounced:
- “Father, because of my relationship to You through Your Son Jesus Christ and in His Name, I renounce all associations with pagan worship, false gods, false deities, and any involvement with them. I forgive my ancestors for their involvement and break any ties to any religion that denies the deity of the Lord Jesus. He alone is Lord; He alone can forgive sin and give man eternal life. I fully trust Jesus Christ and I separate myself from the sins of my ancestors in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen.”
Freemasonry (Denounce any involvement and those of your ancestors): (…click to show more…)
- This prayer should also be done even if you were not involved as you might not always be aware of what your 30 ancestors did in secret.
- “Father God, Creator of heaven and earth, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son. I come as a sinner seeking forgiveness and cleansing from all sins committed against You and others made in Your image. I honor my earthly father and mother and all of my ancestors of flesh and blood, those whom I am related to through the spirit by adoption, and godparents, but I utterly turn away from and renounce all their sins. I forgive all my ancestors for the effects of their sins on me and my children. I confess and renounce all of my own sins. I renounce and rebuke satan and every spiritual power of his affecting me and my family. I renounce and forsake all involvement in Freemasonry or any lodge or craft by my ancestors and myself. In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce and cut off witchcraft, the principal spirit behind Freemasonry. I renounce and cut off Baphomet, the spirit of antichrist, and the spirits of death and deception. I renounce the insecurity; the love of position and power; the love of money, avarice, or greed; and the pride that would have led my ancestors into Masonry. I renounce all the fears that held them in Masonry, especially the fears of death, fears of men, and fears of trusting in the name of Jesus Christ. I renounce every position held in the lodge by any of my ancestors or myself, including “Master”, “Worshipful Master” or any other. I renounce the calling of any man “Master” for Jesus Christ is my only Master and Lord, and He forbids anyone else having that title. I renounce the entrapping of others into Masonry and observing the helplessness of others during rituals. I renounce the effects of Masonry passed on to me through any female ancestor who felt distrusted and rejected by her husband as he entered and attended any lodge and refused to tell her of his secret activities. I also renounce all obligations, oaths, and curses enacted by every female member of my family through any direct membership of all women’s orders of freemasonry, the order of the Eastern Star, or any other Masonic or occult organization. I do this, Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.”
Important: Have a look at the following YouTube Video (47 minutes); it will give you an understanding of what to expect as part of the Deliverance process. The Deliverance will be done in a respectful manor based on truth.